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Woodstock CE Primary School

Shipton Road, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1LL

Telephone: 01993 812209

Receptionist: SJ Davidson & Amy Slade

Administrator: Pip Dalton

 Headteacher: Anne Hipwell
 Deputy Headteacher: Anna Poole       Assistant Head : Sally Rees
 SENCo:  Janey Patino Velasquez                             Business Manager: Richard Graham
 Designated Safeguarding Lead: Anna Poole

If you have any queries or questions please do contact Pip Dalton (Administrator) who will be able to assist you.

If you wish to receive a paper copy of any documents found on our school website then please get in touch with the school office.

The School Day for Reception to Year 6 Children

8:35 am Doors Open 
8:40 am Registration
3:10 pm End of School Day

(Total time in a week 32 hours 30 minutes)