School Events
- 07/03/25
Year 5 World Day of Prayer
The children in Year 5 were invited to join in with the preparations and celebrations for the World Day of Prayer. The country of focus this year is the Cook Islands. On Friday 28 February, a team of ladies from the local churches came into school to work with the Year 5 children makiView Full Gallery - 07/03/25
British Science Week: 7th March until 16th March
British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. This year, the focus is on the 'Change and Adapt' theme. As well as looking at the theme, we have invited scientists into school. Today, we invited medical engineers from Owen Mumford as well as joinView Full Gallery - 06/03/25
World Book Day 2025
Today we are celebrating World Book Day in school by inviting children to make the choice that best suits them: dress up or dress down, come as you are, or wear what you like but come and celebrate with us! We hosted a book sale at the end of the day - thank you to all the parents for your wonderView Full Gallery - 04/02/25
Year 3-4 Egyptian Workshop at Oxfordshire Museum
The three Year 3/4 classes visited the Oxfordshire Museum throughout the day and took part in a range of different activities based on their Tomb Raiders topic. The children learned more about mummification, hieroglyphics and the building process to create Egyptian pyramids. They also explored seView Full Gallery - 29/01/25
Once Upon a Rhyme
In Reception, we have been exploring rhyme through poetry, nursery rhymes and stories. We have learnt a number of traditional nursery rhymes and explored lots of traditional tales, comparing openings, characters and storylines.View Full Gallery - 27/01/25
Year 3&4 Science
The children have been learning all about forces . They enjoyed comparing how things move on different surfaces, explaining why some surfaces slow objects down and understanding how friction can be increased and decreased.View Full Gallery - 27/01/25
Sketchbooks Year 3&4
The children have been studying the artist, Sharon Cummings, to inspire designs and colours for their clay scarab beetle.View Full Gallery - 21/01/25
KS1 Launch Day Walk
Where do we live? The children have been exploring the local area and creating maps using symbols.View Full Gallery - 13/01/25
Years 5 & 6 Living Rainforest Visit
Y5/6 visited the Living Rainforest, near Newbury to support this term's learning about the Amazon Rainforest. Children enjoyed sketching leaves and animals and took part in an Amazing Adaptations tour. It was exciting to see so many species of plants and animals, all suited to a wView Full Gallery - 10/01/25
Year 3&4 Launch Day
Children in Year 3 and 4 through themselves into the Tomb-raiders topic on their launch day. The Egyptian costumes were a sight to behold, from mummies to the Pharaohs! The children took part in a range of immersive activities and preparation tasks for the term to come.View Full Gallery - 10/01/25
Years 5 & 6 Amazing Amazon Launch Day
To launch our Spring topic, many children dressed as explorers, animals of the rainforest or even the Amazon Rainforest itself. We prepared and tasted a chocolate and banana flapjack. Children worked in groups to research where cocoa and bananas (key ingredients in our flapjacks) come fromView Full Gallery - 20/12/24
Years 5 & 6 Carol Concert
Last night, the children in Years 5 and 6 went to the Methodist Church in Woodstock, where they performed Christmas carols. We were very impressed with the singing and enthusiasm of the children and we were delighted to be able to enjoy the musical talents of so many of our pupils.View Full Gallery - 16/12/24
Years 5 & 6 Visit to The Ashmolean Museum: Meet The Greeks
Monday 16, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 December Children in Kestrels, Red Kites and Falcons enjoyed a morning each at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. They enjoyed a special guided tour of the Ancient Greek artefacts in the museum, with lots of interactive activities and hands-on learning. This waView Full Gallery - 16/12/24
Years 5 & 6 Design Technology: Pandora's Box
This week, children were ready for the 3rd stage of their DT box project. We were really impressed with their careful use of the drill - a new skill for many of us. Once the holes were drilled, children used screwdrivers to attach the hinges using screws.View Full Gallery - 13/12/24
Christmas Tree Festival
Today we delivered our trees to Woodstock Methodist Church for their Christmas Tree Festival. It opens at 2pm on Saturday 14th December, when you can also take part in a Family Nativity Trail. The trees will remain on display throughout the Christmas period and can be viewed whenever the church is oView Full Gallery - 02/12/24
Night of 1000 Candles
Many thanks to Ms Christie and 23 members of our KS2 choir. They represented the school, performing carols at the turning on of the Christmas lights in Woodstock on Saturday evening. On a drizzly evening, their voices brought plenty of festive cheer to the large audience.View Full Gallery - 29/11/24
Making Christmas Tree Decorations
Christmas came early in the Y5/6 phase today! Children worked in pairs to create a decoration, ready to place on a very special tree. Lots of accurate measuring and precise cutting was required. We have been invited to take part in the Woodstock Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival, which oView Full Gallery - 15/11/24
Children in Need 2024
Today we worked together as a school to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves. We had a visit from Pudsey Bear in the morning and got to wear our pyjamas to school. The pupil parliament also ran a bake sale. Every little helps and can make a huge difference. Thank you for youView Full Gallery - 13/11/24
Years 5 & 6 History: Ancient Greece Museum Loan Box
Classrooms were transformed into museums this week, as children explored the treasures of our Ancient Greece museum loan box. Learning was brought to life as children were able to carefully handle the artefacts. Coins, a helmet, a plate and an oil lamp were amongst the items we studied, eaView Full Gallery - 13/11/24
World Science Week 2024
For 2024, the theme for World Science Week is 'Global Science for Global Well-being'. Key stage one have been exploring a range of experiments and Key stage two have entered a BBC competition to think of a training gadget for a gladiator!View Full Gallery - 11/11/24
KS1 'Then and Now' Launch Day
Today we were introduced to our new topic 'Then and Now'. We experienced life as a Victorian school child and explored lots of old toys. We then compared them to the toys we have today.View Full Gallery - 05/11/24
Maths Workshops
Today we held the first of our Maths workshops. We were delighted to welcome parents into school to share our approach to teaching Maths; thank you so much for your support. We will share the presentation slides and useful website links on Google Classroom.View Full Gallery - 18/10/24
Children in Year 3&4 walked to Mary Magdalene Church in Woodstock to partake in a service of Baptism and Holy Communion. In school, we have been learning about the sense of belonging with a focus on how Christians feel about belonging to the church through being baptised and confirmed and tView Full Gallery - 04/10/24
Reading Workshops & Cafés
It has been a pleasure to welcome so many parents into school to hear more about how we teach reading. We are so appreciative of your support. A highlight for parents was the opportunity to read with their child. We will share the presentation slides on Google Classroom.View Full Gallery - 02/10/24
Year 3/4 Blenheim Kitchen Gardens Trip
Year 3 and 4 had a wonderful day at Blenheim Palace exploring their walled and kitchen gardens today. As part of the children's Field to Fork topic, they took part in activities looking at planting, harvesting and picking as well as completing a scavenger hunt linked to our science topic abouView Full Gallery - 01/10/24
Years 5 & 6 Clay Columns
After researching ancient Greek architecture, children focused on the 3 forms of columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthium. This term's art focus is on using and handling clay. The children have now started their clay journey by making their own column, inspired by the ancient Greeks. As they worked,View Full Gallery - 26/09/24
European Day of Languages
Perhaps you spotted the flags on our railings this morning? Children have been practising their language skills today, to celebrate the many languages spoken across the world. Within our school community we have a number of children who speak a second language, and today was theView Full Gallery - 19/09/24
Years 5 & 6 Greek Workshop
Children walked to the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock for a Greek workshop. We learnt about the very first Olympic Games before taking part in a jumping competition and making clay discuses.View Full Gallery - 11/09/24
Year 3/4 Farm Visit
To support this term's curriculum theme 'Field to Fork' and our Curriculum Launch Day, the Year 3/4 phase went to Perdiswell Farm in Woodstock over two mornings. The children explored links between food and farming and gained a greater understanding of where our food comes from. ChView Full Gallery - 06/09/24
New Reception Classroom
As promised, here are a few photos of the new classroom areas in Reception. As you can see, it is a wonderfully, colourful environment. We look forward to loading up lots of new galleries over the coming weeks.View Full Gallery - 04/09/24
Years 5 & 6 Meet the Greeks
To launch our Autumn topic, many children dressed as Ancient Greeks. We prepared and sampled a range of Greek dips with pitta bread. Children worked in groups to research and present information about their Zodiac sign. We also studied the Greek alphabet and children wrote their 'Greek' nameView Full Gallery - 19/07/24
- 19/07/24
Year 6 Summer Production
After weeks of rehearsals, this week Year 6 performed 'Let Loose' to very appreciative audiences. Congratulations Year 6 - you were all fantastic!View Full Gallery - 12/07/24
Woodstock's Got Talent Final
After two weeks of auditions across the school, Woodstock CE Primary School has crowned its new champion of smash hit show Woodstock's Got Talent. With six fantastic finalists to chose from for, the panel of esteemed judges, including past winner Isa, picked Rupert as their winner. RupertView Full Gallery - 10/07/24
Year 2 Hill End Residential
The Year 2 children arrived safely at Hill End this morning, and they have all had a wonderful time exploring the site and taking part in a range of activities. We even booked the sunshine! ☀️ Following dinner we are watching a little bit of the England match!View Full Gallery - 20/06/24
Cirencester Day 3
Year 4 visited Chedworth Roman Villa whilst Year 3 went to the Corinium Museum.View Full Gallery